Musings of a MEd student


What education technology issue, topic or theme am I most interested in?

The overall education issue I am always most interested in is math. Specifically, elementary math. From math anxiety, attitudes towards math, and pretty much any other topic under the sun.  Many of my students find technology comforting, entertaining and helpful and if I can get them to connect math and technology then they might feel more positively towards math teaching.  Technology is constantly changing the world around us and that includes in math education. How to use technology effectively in order to improve my pedagogical math practices is the entire reason I am doing my Masters of Educational Technology. 

Teaching math using technology can greatly enhance the learning experience for students. By incorporating multimedia, such as videos, animations, and movies, educators can make math more engaging and exciting for their students. There are so many ways to use technology to make math easier for students.  A multi media approach could led to better retention and understanding of math concepts.

Visualizing math is crucial for learning, and visual pathways in the brain are involved in mathematical thinking. Including visual activities at all grade levels can greatly benefit students. Technology provides opportunities for students to interact with mathematical concepts through games, simulations, and digital tools.

Technology allows for personalized math lessons, catering to individual students’ needs. Khan Academy is one example of how technology can empower learners. Khan Academy offers personalized learning experiences, allowing users to take quizzes, access transcripts, and control their learning pathways.

Technology can also connect math concepts to the real world. Educators can use videos and pictures of real-world scenarios, like deciding which product is the best deal in a supermarket, to help students see the practical applications of math. Integrating technology could enable students to interact with mathmeticians outside the classroom, broadening their understanding and perspective. Giving students the chance to see how a wide variety of people and careers use math in their daily lives would be invaluable.

Overall, incorporating technology in math education enhances engagement, personalization, and real-world connections, making the learning experience more effective and meaningful for students.

Many of the people I follow on social media are math specialists and I share whatever I can with my students.  Here are some of them:

Graham Fletcher and his 3 Act Tasks Questioning My Metacognition | Trying to be a better teacher (

Peter Liljedahl and Thinking Classsrooms Building-Thinking-Classrooms-for-teachers.pdf (

Christina Tondevold Christina Tondevold | Build Math Minds

Steve Wyborney Steve Wyborney’s Blog: I’m on a Learning Mission. – Sharing Thoughts About Education

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